September 29, 2018

It’s 2018 and it’s a great time to get educated about health and wellness. The internet, your friends, and your family have probably shared what foods or exercises will reduce the risk of certain diseases or ailments. While all this information is abundant, it may sometimes feel overwhelming. While you are taking the time to explore new ways of wellness, there is one method that is easy to pick up and often overlooked. So relax... literally. Here is why decompressing needs to be part of your health regimen.  


1.Several health benefits.


Relaxing is all about regeneration. Your body and mind are on the go daily and for the amount of energy you're exhausting, you need to make for time for recharging and restoration. Decompressing is one of the easiest ways to lower blood pressure, improve digestion, and reduce muscle tension. Who would’ve thought that your body is most productive when you do the least with it.


2. It can be cost-effective.


 The great thing about relaxing is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to do it. So no need to sign up for a spa day or goat yoga. You can be resourceful with what you have at home to achieve successful decompression. Whether its drinking tea, taking a bath or simply stretching. You can easily boost your health without picking up your wallet.


3. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to decompress.


Relaxing is very personal and unique to you. Decompressing comes in many forms: a mental walk, writing, sleep, mindful eating etc. The exciting part about it is getting reacquainted with yourself and learning what works best for you. With a little discipline, any method will work just fine.


So go on out there and chill. You'll thank yourself for it later.


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